Patrick'smusic list
* This site is strictly aimed at reliable audio/DVD bootleg traders around the world. Everything on this page is for trade only,not for sale!

I have been trading music since 1985 and are mainly interested in Death and Thrash metal. All audio is uncompressed, that means I am not interested in mp3 sourced material. These days I prefer online trades. Feel free to send your list if you are interested in trading.

Quality indicators
Live tapesCD/LP/EP/Demo
10original CD/LP/EP
9.5great sounding soundboard rec.original demo or excellent quality
9.0good soundboard recgood quality
8.5audience rec. above averagestill listenable, don’t expect to much
8.0average audience rec. only for the die hard fan
7.5only for the die hard fannot worth listening to